previous - go to surnames
Dixon, Ralph (1859 - )
b. 1859 in Deasonville, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, Samuel Zederman(1817 - 1887)
mother: Pepper, Lovey(1821 - 1896)
Dixon, Ralph Edward (1881 - 1949)
b. 1881
d. 1949
father: Dixon, Edward Shipley(1847 - 1924)
mother: Stubblefield, Aurora(1847 - 1924)
Dixon, Robert Emmett (1885 - 1950)
b. 1885 in Yazoo, MS
d. 1950
father: Dixon, Samuel James(1852 - 1908)
mother: Fisher, Sallie Frances(1857 - 1933)
spouse: Holmes, Callie M. (*1890 - )
----------child: Dixon, Emmett Lloyd (*1920 - )
----------child: Dixon, James William 'Bubba' Sr. (*1923 - )
Dixon, Sallie (1898 - )
b. 1898 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, Samuel James(1852 - 1908)
mother: Fisher, Sallie Frances(1857 - 1933)
Dixon, Sally (1843 - 1854)
b. 17 JUL 1843 in Deasonville, Yazoo, MS
d. 14 JAN 1854 in Deasonville, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, Samuel Zederman(1817 - 1887)
mother: Pepper, Lovey(1821 - 1896)
Dixon, Samuel Everett (1895 - 1983)
b. 1895 in Yazoo, MS
d. 1983
father: Dixon, William Pepper(1866 - 1947)
mother: Tucker, Lillian Lavinia 'Lily'(1873 - 1930)
spouse: Berry, Louise Elizabeth (*1899 - )
- m. in Yazoo, MS
----------child: Dixon, Samuel Everett Jr (*1930 - )
----------child: Dixon, Louise Elizabeth (*1930 - )
Dixon, Samuel Everett Jr (*1930 - )
father: Dixon, Samuel Everett(1895 - 1983)
mother: Berry, Louise Elizabeth(*1899 - )
Dixon, Samuel James (1852 - 1908)
b. 1852 in Deasonville, Yazoo, MS
d. 1908 in Deasonville, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, Samuel Zederman(1817 - 1887)
mother: Pepper, Lovey(1821 - 1896)
spouse: Fisher, Sallie Frances (1857 - 1933)
- m. 26 FEB 1880 in Yazoo, MS
----------child: Dixon, Susie Ernestine (1882 - 1955)
----------child: Dixon, Garnett W. (1883 - 1929)
----------child: Dixon, Robert Emmett (1885 - 1950)
----------child: Dixon, James Melvin (1887 - 1947)
----------child: Dixon, Mabel Clair (*1888 - )
----------child: Dixon, Louella (1888 - 1930)
----------child: Dixon, Annie (1890 - 1942)
----------child: Dixon, Thomas F. (1893 - 1918)
----------child: Dixon, William Luther (~1895 - 1957)
----------child: Dixon, Sallie (1898 - )
Dixon, Samuel Zederman (1817 - 1887)
b. 1817
d. 1887 in Deasonville, Yazoo, MS
spouse: Pepper, Lovey (1821 - 1896)
- m. 14 DEC 1837 in Yazoo, MS
----------child: Dixon, Mary Ann (1838 - 1844)
----------child: Dixon, Elnora (1840 - )
----------child: Dixon, Sally (1843 - 1854)
----------child: Dixon, Susanna (1845 - 1895)
----------child: Dixon, Edward Shipley (1847 - 1924)
----------child: Dixon, Mary Jane (1850 - )
----------child: Dixon, Samuel James (1852 - 1908)
----------child: Dixon, Alice Medora (1855 - )
----------child: Dixon, Emaline F. (1857 - )
----------child: Dixon, Ralph (1859 - )
----------child: Dixon, Louella (1862 - 1926)
----------child: Dixon, William Pepper (1866 - 1947)
Dixon, Sim James 'S.J.' Jr (1929 - )
b. 27 FEB 1929 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, Sim James 'Tot'(1899 - 1986)
mother: Broadfoot, Vesta Venettia(1903 - 1987)
spouse: Stubblefield, Virginia Dale (1934 - )
- m. 5 NOV 1952 in Benton, Yazoo, MS
----------child: Dixon, William Dale (1954 - )
----------child: Dixon, Linda (1955 - )
----------child: Dixon, Diane (1958 - )
Dixon, Sim James 'Tot' (1899 - 1986)
b. 15 MAY 1899 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
d. 21 APR 1986 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, William Pepper(1866 - 1947)
mother: Tucker, Lillian Lavinia 'Lily'(1873 - 1930)
spouse: Broadfoot, Vesta Venettia (1903 - 1987)
- m. 4 JUN 1927 in Yazoo City, Yazoo, MS
----------child: Dixon, Sim James 'S.J.' Jr (1929 - )
----------child: Dixon, Thalia Ruth (1930 - )
----------child: Dixon, Dewitt Andrew (1934 - )
----------child: Dixon, Ellen (1937 - )
Dixon, Susanna (1845 - 1895)
b. 8 JUN 1845 in Deasonville, Yazoo, MS
d. 1895
father: Dixon, Samuel Zederman(1817 - 1887)
mother: Pepper, Lovey(1821 - 1896)
spouse: Williams, Ben F. (1830 - 1895)
----------child: Williams, Luke (*1872 - )
Dixon, Susie Ernestine (1882 - 1955)
b. 1882 in Yazoo, MS
d. 27 SEP 1955
father: Dixon, Samuel James(1852 - 1908)
mother: Fisher, Sallie Frances(1857 - 1933)
Dixon, Thalia Nerine (~1917 - 1981)
b. ABT 1917 in Yazoo, MS
d. 21 SEP 1981 in Yazoo City, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, William Pepper(1866 - 1947)
mother: Tucker, Lillian Lavinia 'Lily'(1873 - 1930)
Dixon, Thalia Ruth (1930 - )
b. 3 DEC 1930 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, Sim James 'Tot'(1899 - 1986)
mother: Broadfoot, Vesta Venettia(1903 - 1987)
spouse: Blain, John Marshall DVM (*1930 - )
- m. 27 DEC 1957 in Ridgeland, Madison, MS
Dixon, Thomas F. (1893 - 1918)
b. 1893 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
d. 1918 in France
father: Dixon, Samuel James(1852 - 1908)
mother: Fisher, Sallie Frances(1857 - 1933)
Dixon, Virginia Elizabeth (~1898 - 1984)
b. ABT 1898 in Yazoo, MS
d. 3 NOV 1984
father: Dixon, William Pepper(1866 - 1947)
mother: Tucker, Lillian Lavinia 'Lily'(1873 - 1930)
Dixon, William Dale (1954 - )
b. 14 JAN 1954 in Lexington, Holmes, MS
father: Dixon, Sim James 'S.J.' Jr(1929 - )
mother: Stubblefield, Virginia Dale(1934 - )
Dixon, William Luther (~1895 - 1957)
b. ABT 1895 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
d. 26 DEC 1957
father: Dixon, Samuel James(1852 - 1908)
mother: Fisher, Sallie Frances(1857 - 1933)
Dixon, William Pepper (1866 - 1947)
b. 27 OCT 1866 in Deasonville, Yazoo, MS
d. 10 FEB 1947 in Deasonville, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, Samuel Zederman(1817 - 1887)
mother: Pepper, Lovey(1821 - 1896)
spouse: Tucker, Lillian Lavinia 'Lily' (1873 - 1930)
- m. ABT 1894 in Yazoo, MS
----------child: Dixon, Samuel Everett (1895 - 1983)
----------child: Dixon, William Tucker (1896 - 1987)
----------child: Dixon, Lillian (~1897 - )
----------child: Dixon, Virginia Elizabeth (~1898 - 1984)
----------child: Dixon, Sim James 'Tot' (1899 - 1986)
----------child: Dixon, John Lawrence (1900 - 1972)
----------child: Dixon, Ida Mae (*1903 - )
----------child: Dixon, Ivey Steen (1903 - 1983)
----------child: Dixon, Lena Melissa (1904 - )
----------child: Dixon, Edward Henderson (~1914 - 1986)
----------child: Dixon, Thalia Nerine (~1917 - 1981)
Dixon, William Tucker (1896 - 1987)
b. 16 APR 1896 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
d. 27 FEB 1987
father: Dixon, William Pepper(1866 - 1947)
mother: Tucker, Lillian Lavinia 'Lily'(1873 - 1930)
spouse: Pepper, Elizabeth (1896 - 1976)
- m. 26 DEC 1922 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
----------child: Dixon, William Tucker Jr. Rev. (1924 - )
----------child: Dixon, Bettie Agnes (1928 - )
Dixon, William Tucker III (1944 - )
b. 14 MAR 1944 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, William Tucker Jr. Rev.(1924 - )
mother: Smith, Eloise(1924 - )
Dixon, William Tucker Jr. Rev. (1924 - )
b. 15 APR 1924 in Vaughan, Yazoo, MS
father: Dixon, William Tucker(1896 - 1987)
mother: Pepper, Elizabeth(1896 - 1976)
spouse: Smith, Eloise (1924 - )
- m. 9 APR 1943 in Jackson, Hinds, MS
----------child: Dixon, William Tucker III (1944 - )
----------child: Dixon, Bettie Eloise (1945 - )
----------child: Dixon, Doris Agnes (1946 - )
----------child: Dixon, Ivey Boyd (1952 - )
Donald, Katherine Mills (1969 - )
b. 28 MAR 1969 in Clarksdale, Coahoma, MS
father: Donald, William Duncan Jr.(1941 - )
mother: Mills, Sherry Elaine(1943 - )
Donald, Lee Coleman (1975 - )
b. 3 JUN 1975 in Clarksdale, Coahoma, MS
father: Donald, William Duncan Jr.(1941 - )
mother: Mills, Sherry Elaine(1943 - )
Donald, William Duncan III (1971 - )
b. 22 SEP 1971 in Clarksdale, Coahoma, MS
father: Donald, William Duncan Jr.(1941 - )
mother: Mills, Sherry Elaine(1943 - )
Donald, William Duncan Jr. (1941 - )
b. 3 MAR 1941 in Greenville, Washington, MS
spouse: Mills, Sherry Elaine (1943 - )
- m. 6 JUN 1967 in Moorhead, Sunflower, MS
----------child: Donald, Katherine Mills (1969 - )
----------child: Donald, William Duncan III (1971 - )
----------child: Donald, Lee Coleman (1975 - )
Duncan, Alexander (1773 - 1849)
b. 31 OCT 1773 in Glasgow, Scotland
d. 15 SEP 1849 in New York, New York, NY
father: Duncan, John(*1738 - )
mother: Black, Mary(*1742 - )
spouse: McFarlane, Mary (1779 - 1863)
- m. 13 MAY 1798 in Glasgow, Scotland
----------child: Duncan, William (1800 - 1863)
Duncan, Almira Louise (1834 - 1870)
b. 1 SEP 1834 in Courtland, Lawrence, AL
d. 1870 in McRaven, Hinds, MS
father: Duncan, William(1800 - 1863)
mother: Gardiner, Louisa Almira(*1803 - 1847)
spouse: McRaven, John Wilson Sr. (1828 - 1914)
- m. 1854 in New Orleans, Orleans, LA
----------child: McRaven, Diza Ann (1857 - 1897)
----------child: McRaven, Joseph Cuddy (1857 - 1858)
----------child: McRaven, Edwin Banks (1859 - 1919)
----------child: McRaven, John Wilson Jr (1870 - 1931)
Duncan, John (*1738 - )
b. in Glasgow, Scotland
d. in Glasgow, Scotland
spouse: Black, Mary (*1742 - )
----------child: Duncan, Alexander (1773 - 1849)
Duncan, William (1800 - 1863)
b. 5 SEP 1800 in Glascow, Scotland
d. 18 APR 1863 in New York, NY
father: Duncan, Alexander(1773 - 1849)
mother: McFarlane, Mary(1779 - 1863)
spouse: Gardiner, Louisa Almira (*1803 - 1847)
- m. ABT 1820 in New York, NY
----------child: Duncan, Almira Louise (1834 - 1870)
Dyess, A. Gabriella (1842 - 1920)
b. 4 FEB 1842 in Catahoula, LA
d. 18 DEC 1920 in Winn, LA
spouse: Pepper, Elisha (1831 - 1909)
- m. 1 JUL 1860 in Winn, LA
----------child: Pepper, Sultania (1861 - 1878)
----------child: Pepper, Elisha Jr (1863 - 1872)
----------child: Pepper, George R. (1864 - 1947)
----------child: Pepper, Zidinia (1867 - 1943)
----------child: Pepper, Samuel Joshua (1869 - 1950)
----------child: Pepper, Mary A. (1871 - 1926)
----------child: Pepper, Zedekiah Z. (1874 - 1965)
----------child: Pepper, Martha T. (1876 - 1903)
----------child: Pepper, Laura M. (1879 - 1971)
----------child: Pepper, Alice Rosa (1884 - 1917)
Edlen, David Herman Jr. (1948 - )
b. 12 MAR 1948 in Petersburg, Petersburg, VA
father: Edlen, David Herman Sr.(~1928 - )
mother: Pepper, Lorena(1922 - )
spouse: Austin, Susan (1950 - )
- m. 18 AUG 1968 in El Paso, El Paso, TX
----------child: Edlen, David Horton (1969 - )
----------child: Edlen, Michael John (1972 - )
spouse: Steele, Deborah 'Debbie' (*1955 - )
- m. ABT 1980 in Houston, Harris, TX
----------child: Edlen, Joshua David (1984 - )
----------child: Edlen, Jessica Marie (1988 - )
Edlen, David Herman Sr. (~1928 - )
b. ABT 1928
spouse: Pepper, Lorena (1922 - )
- m. 22 FEB 1947 in Seoul, Korea
----------child: Edlen, David Herman Jr. (1948 - )
----------child: Edlen, Mary Louise (1954 - )
Edlen, David Horton (1969 - )
b. 19 SEP 1969 in Yazoo City, Yazoo, MS
father: Edlen, David Herman Jr.(1948 - )
mother: Austin, Susan(1950 - )
Edlen, Jessica Marie (1988 - )
b. 1988 in Houston, Harris, TX
father: Edlen, David Herman Jr.(1948 - )
mother: Steele, Deborah 'Debbie'(*1955 - )
Edlen, Joshua David (1984 - )
b. 1984 in Singapore
father: Edlen, David Herman Jr.(1948 - )
mother: Steele, Deborah 'Debbie'(*1955 - )
Edlen, Mary Louise (1954 - )
b. 10 OCT 1954 in Victoria, Victoria, TX
father: Edlen, David Herman Sr.(~1928 - )
mother: Pepper, Lorena(1922 - )
Edlen, Michael John (1972 - )
b. 16 FEB 1972 in Augsburg, Germany
father: Edlen, David Herman Jr.(1948 - )
mother: Austin, Susan(1950 - )
Edwards, Barbara Ann (*1959 - )
spouse: Myers, Robert Lamar (1956 - )
- m. 10 FEB 1979
Elam, S. H. (*1855 - )
spouse: Ledbetter, Anna (*1855 - )
- m. 9 DEC 1879 in Yazoo, MS
Elam, Willie Frances (1850 - 1893)
b. 18 NOV 1850 in Yazoo, MS
d. 8 APR 1893 in Yazoo, MS
spouse: Pepper, Joseph Jefferson (1850 - 1893)
- m. 9 JAN 1873 in Yazoo, MS
----------child: Pepper, Sarah Rachel (1873 - 1962)
----------child: Pepper, Elizabeth Annie (1875 - 1956)
----------child: Pepper, Mary Emma (1877 - 1901)
----------child: Pepper, Clyde Fisk (1879 - 1941)
----------child: Pepper, Raymond Victor (1881 - 1947)
----------child: Pepper, Samuel Elam (1882 - 1950)
----------child: Pepper, Allen Rhorer (1885 - 1956)
----------child: Pepper, Kate Evelyn (1887 - 1932)
----------child: Pepper, Franklin James (1888 - 1908)
----------child: Pepper, Minnie (1891 - 1959)
----------child: Pepper, Joseph Jefferson Jr. (1893 - 1894)
Elliott, Alexander (*1763 - )
father: Elliott, George(~1731 - ~1831)
mother: Henry, Mary(1732 - 1816)
Elliott, Alexander (1793 - )
b. 10 MAR 1793
father: Elliott, Robert(1759 - 1838)
mother: French, Sarah(1765 - 1817)
Elliott, Charles Cornelius (1856 - )
b. 29 JUN 1856 in Yazoo, MS
father: Elliott, James Henry(1825 - 1877)
mother: Manning, Emma(1823 - 1895)
Elliott, Elizabeth (*1763 - )
father: Elliott, George(~1731 - ~1831)
mother: Henry, Mary(1732 - 1816)
Elliott, Enoch (1799 - )
b. 14 MAY 1799
father: Elliott, Robert(1759 - 1838)
mother: French, Sarah(1765 - 1817)
Elliott, George (~1731 - ~1831)
b. ABT 1731 in Scotland
d. ABT 1831 in St. Clair, IL
spouse: Henry, Mary (1732 - 1816)
- m. ABT 1756
----------child: Elliott, Robert (1759 - 1838)
----------child: Elliott, Elizabeth (*1763 - )
----------child: Elliott, Margaret (*1763 - )
----------child: Elliott, Alexander (*1763 - )
----------child: Elliott, Rebecca (*1763 - )
----------child: Elliott, George (*1763 - )
----------child: Elliott, James (*1763 - )
----------child: Elliott, William Preston (*1763 - )
Elliott, George (*1763 - )
father: Elliott, George(~1731 - ~1831)
mother: Henry, Mary(1732 - 1816)
Elliott, George (1785 - )
b. 7 AUG 1785
father: Elliott, Robert(1759 - 1838)
mother: French, Sarah(1765 - 1817)
Elliott, James (*1763 - )
father: Elliott, George(~1731 - ~1831)
mother: Henry, Mary(1732 - 1816)
Elliott, James Henry (1825 - 1877)
b. 13 MAY 1825 in Wilkinson, MS
d. JAN 1877 in Benton, Yazoo, MS
father: Elliott, Robert(1759 - 1838)
mother: Quine, Susanna(*1792 - )
spouse: Manning, Emma (1823 - 1895)
- m. 30 AUG 1846
----------child: Elliott, Loretta Eugenia 'Lou' (1847 - 1923)
----------child: Elliott, William Henry (1849 - )
----------child: Elliott, James Robert (1851 - )
----------child: Elliott, Charles Cornelius (1856 - )
----------child: Elliott, Susan Ellen (1859 - )
Elliott, James Robert (1851 - )
b. 5 APR 1851 in Yazoo, MS
father: Elliott, James Henry(1825 - 1877)
mother: Manning, Emma(1823 - 1895)
Elliott, Loretta Eugenia 'Lou' (1847 - 1923)
b. 14 JUN 1847 in Benton, Yazoo, MS
d. 12 NOV 1923 in Yazoo City, Yazoo, MS
father: Elliott, James Henry(1825 - 1877)
mother: Manning, Emma(1823 - 1895)
spouse: Stubblefield,, William Henry Jr. (1820 - 1907)
- m. 30 MAY 1867 in Benton, Yazoo, MS
----------child: Stubblefield, Marlin Yandell (1868 - 1953)
----------child: Stubblefield, Emma Agnes (1869 - 1940)
----------child: Stubblefield, Lorena Emeline 'Lula' (1872 - 1921)
----------child: Stubblefield, Evie Amy (1874 - 1942)
----------child: Stubblefield, William Henry III (1879 - 1968)
Elliott, Margaret (*1763 - )
father: Elliott, George(~1731 - ~1831)
mother: Henry, Mary(1732 - 1816)
Elliott, Martha French (1791 - )
b. 25 MAY 1791
father: Elliott, Robert(1759 - 1838)
mother: French, Sarah(1765 - 1817)
Elliott, Mary Henry (1801 - )
b. 30 JUN 1801
father: Elliott, Robert(1759 - 1838)
mother: French, Sarah(1765 - 1817)
Elliott, Rebecca (*1763 - )
father: Elliott, George(~1731 - ~1831)
mother: Henry, Mary(1732 - 1816)
Elliott, Robert (1759 - 1838)
b. 21 JUL 1759 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
d. 4 SEP 1838 in Wilkinson, MS
father: Elliott, George(~1731 - ~1831)
mother: Henry, Mary(1732 - 1816)
spouse: French, Sarah (1765 - 1817)
- m. 7 SEP 1784
----------child: Elliott, George (1785 - )
----------child: Elliott, Martha French (1791 - )
----------child: Elliott, Alexander (1793 - )
----------child: Elliott, Robert William Preston (1797 - )
----------child: Elliott, Enoch (1799 - )
----------child: Elliott, Mary Henry (1801 - )
----------child: Elliott, Sarah Denison (1804 - )
spouse: Quine, Susanna (*1792 - )
- m. 6 APR 1823 in Wilkinson, MS
----------child: Elliott, James Henry (1825 - 1877)
----------child: Elliott, Robert Henry (1829 - )
Elliott, Robert Henry (1829 - )
b. 21 JUL 1829 in MS
father: Elliott, Robert(1759 - 1838)
mother: Quine, Susanna(*1792 - )
Elliott, Robert William Preston (1797 - )
b. 6 MAY 1797
father: Elliott, Robert(1759 - 1838)
mother: French, Sarah(1765 - 1817)
Elliott, Sarah Denison (1804 - )
b. 31 OCT 1804
father: Elliott, Robert(1759 - 1838)
mother: French, Sarah(1765 - 1817)
Elliott, Susan Ellen (1859 - )
b. 8 OCT 1859 in Yazoo, MS
father: Elliott, James Henry(1825 - 1877)
mother: Manning, Emma(1823 - 1895)
Elliott, William Henry (1849 - )
b. 13 APR 1849 in Yazoo, MS
father: Elliott, James Henry(1825 - 1877)
mother: Manning, Emma(1823 - 1895)
Elliott, William Preston (*1763 - )
father: Elliott, George(~1731 - ~1831)
mother: Henry, Mary(1732 - 1816)
Ellison, Annie Elnora (1862 - 1919)
b. 26 SEP 1862
d. 19 JUN 1919
father: Ellison, Thomas(~1843 - )
mother: Dixon, Elnora(1840 - )
spouse: Ward, James William (1853 - 1897)
- m. in Holmes, MS
----------child: Ward, Annie Mae (1883 - 1961)
----------child: Ward, William Edwin (1886 - 1971)
----------child: Ward, Mary Tucker (*1891 - 1972)
----------child: Ward, Minnie Wright (*1891 - )
----------child: Ward, Thomas Green (1895 - 1896)
----------child: Ward, Robert Benjamin (1897 - 1952)
Ellison, Belinda (~1833 - )
b. ABT 1833 in MS
father: Ellison, Thomas P.(~1810 - )
mother: Moore, Mary(1814 - 1899)
Ellison, Caroline (~1850 - )
b. ABT 1850 in Yazoo, MS
father: Ellison, Thomas P.(~1810 - )
mother: Moore, Mary(1814 - 1899)
Ellison, Edwin (*1872 - )
father: Ellison, Thomas(~1843 - )
mother: Dixon, Elnora(1840 - )
Ellison, Jefferson (*1872 - )
father: Ellison, Thomas(~1843 - )
mother: Dixon, Elnora(1840 - )
Ellison, Julia A. (1845 - 1930)
b. 4 AUG 1845 in Yazoo, MS
d. 20 OCT 1930
father: Ellison, Thomas P.(~1810 - )
mother: Moore, Mary(1814 - 1899)
Ellison, Martha (~1855 - )
b. ABT 1855 in Yazoo, MS
father: Ellison, Thomas P.(~1810 - )
mother: Moore, Mary(1814 - 1899)
Ellison, Mary J. (1848 - 1916)
b. 2 DEC 1848 in Yazoo, MS
d. 21 NOV 1916
father: Ellison, Thomas P.(~1810 - )
mother: Moore, Mary(1814 - 1899)
spouse: Shillings, James (*1842 - )
- m. 14 JAN 1868 in Yazoo, MS
----------child: Shillings, W. Thomas (1872 - 1901)
----------child: Shillings, Ada (1873 - 1944)
----------child: Shillings, Jack (~1875 - )
----------child: Shillings, Lucius (~1878 - )
Ellison, Moses (~1852 - )
b. ABT 1852 in Yazoo, MS
father: Ellison, Thomas P.(~1810 - )
mother: Moore, Mary(1814 - 1899)
spouse: --------, Mary L. (*1851 - )
- m. ABT 1874
----------child: Ellison, Sallie E. (~1875 - )
----------child: Ellison, Willie T. (~1877 - )
Ellison, Sallie E. (~1875 - )
b. ABT 1875
father: Ellison, Moses(~1852 - )
mother: --------, Mary L.(*1851 - )
Ellison, Susan (1839 - 1922)
b. 8 JAN 1839 in MS
d. 16 SEP 1922 in Benton, Yazoo, MS
father: Ellison, Thomas P.(~1810 - )
mother: Moore, Mary(1814 - 1899)
spouse: Bull, David King (1837 - 1910)
- m. in Yazoo, MS
----------child: Bull, Sarah Fredonia 'Donie' (1858 - 1944)
----------child: Bull, James Campbell (1860 - 1866)
----------child: Bull, Thomas King (1864 - 1888)
----------child: Bull, William Bruce (1867 - 1888)
----------child: Bull, Hugh Ambrose (1870 - 1968)
----------child: Bull, Annie (1872 - 1916)
----------child: Bull, James M. (1875 - 1898)
----------child: Bull, Massie Lydia (1877 - 1966)
----------child: Bull, John Ellison (1880 - 1967)
Ellison, Thomas (~1843 - )
b. ABT 1843 in Yazoo, MS
father: Ellison, Thomas P.(~1810 - )
mother: Moore, Mary(1814 - 1899)
spouse: Dixon, Elnora (1840 - )
- m. in MS
----------child: Ellison, Annie Elnora (1862 - 1919)
----------child: Ellison, Edwin (*1872 - )
----------child: Ellison, Jefferson (*1872 - )
Ellison, Thomas P. (~1810 - )
b. ABT 1810 in TN
spouse: Moore, Mary (1814 - 1899)
----------child: Ellison, Belinda (~1833 - )
----------child: Ellison, Susan (1839 - 1922)
----------child: Ellison, William (~1840 - )
----------child: Ellison, Thomas (~1843 - )
----------child: Ellison, Julia A. (1845 - 1930)
----------child: Ellison, Mary J. (1848 - 1916)
----------child: Ellison, Caroline (~1850 - )
----------child: Ellison, Moses (~1852 - )
----------child: Ellison, Martha (~1855 - )
Ellison, William (~1840 - )
b. ABT 1840 in Yazoo, MS
father: Ellison, Thomas P.(~1810 - )
mother: Moore, Mary(1814 - 1899)
Ellison, Willie T. (~1877 - )
b. ABT 1877
father: Ellison, Moses(~1852 - )
mother: --------, Mary L.(*1851 - )
Epley, Mahala Elizabeth (1850 - 1938)
b. 1850
d. 1938
spouse: Bull, Robert Campbell (1847 - 1913)
- m. 1 AUG 1866 in Lampasas, TX
----------child: Bull, Martha 'Mattie' (1876 - 1969)
Estes, Annie Calvert (*1968 - )
father: Estes, Benton Payne(*1933 - )
mother: Saunders, Beverly(*1937 - 1971)
Estes, Benton Payne (*1933 - )
father: Estes, Charles Henry(*1898 - )
mother: Payne, Annie(*1902 - )
spouse: Saunders, Beverly (*1937 - 1971)
----------child: Estes, Annie Calvert (*1968 - )
----------child: Estes, Benton Payne Jr. (*1968 - )
Estes, Benton Payne Jr. (*1968 - )
father: Estes, Benton Payne(*1933 - )
mother: Saunders, Beverly(*1937 - 1971)
Estes, Charles Henry (*1898 - )
d. in Yazoo City, Yazoo, MS
father: Estes, James Benton(1859 - 1928)
mother: Stubblefield, Emma Agnes(1869 - 1940)
spouse: Payne, Annie (*1902 - )
----------child: Estes, Charles Henry Jr. (*1933 - )
----------child: Estes, Benton Payne (*1933 - )
Estes, Charles Henry Jr. (*1933 - )
father: Estes, Charles Henry(*1898 - )
mother: Payne, Annie(*1902 - )
Estes, Eugene Elliott (1897 - 1940)
b. 1897
d. 1940 in Yazoo City, Yazoo, MS
father: Estes, James Benton(1859 - 1928)
mother: Stubblefield, Emma Agnes(1869 - 1940)
Estes, Harry Ward (*1935 - )
father: Estes, Harry Wilson(*1899 - 1970)
mother: Ward, Lois(*1906 - 1971)
Estes, Harry Wilson (*1899 - 1970)
d. JUL 1970 in Memphis, Shelby, TN
father: Estes, James Benton(1859 - 1928)
mother: Stubblefield, Emma Agnes(1869 - 1940)
spouse: Ward, Lois (*1906 - 1971)
----------child: Estes, Harry Ward (*1935 - )
----------child: Estes, Lois Ward (*1946 - )
Estes, James Benton (1859 - 1928)
b. 1859
d. 1928
spouse: Stubblefield, Emma Agnes (1869 - 1940)
- m. ABT 1889
----------child: Estes, James Benton Jr. (1890 - 1954)
----------child: Estes, Eugene Elliott (1897 - 1940)
----------child: Estes, Charles Henry (*1898 - )
----------child: Estes, Harry Wilson (*1899 - 1970)
Estes, James Benton Jr. (1890 - 1954)
b. 1890
d. 1954 in Yazoo City, Yazoo, MS
father: Estes, James Benton(1859 - 1928)
mother: Stubblefield, Emma Agnes(1869 - 1940)
Estes, Lois Ward (*1946 - )
father: Estes, Harry Wilson(*1899 - 1970)
mother: Ward, Lois(*1906 - 1971)
spouse: Ruleman, Chester Allan Jr. (*1944 - )
- m. 9 AUG 1969 in Memphis, Shelby, TN
Etheridge, Agnes (~1798 - 1826)
b. ABT 1798 in GA
d. 21 SEP 1826 in Dallas, AL
spouse: Stubblefield, William Henry Sr. (1793 - 1858)
- m. 13 SEP 1816 in Dallas, AL
----------child: Stubblefield, Elizabeth (1817 - 1866)
----------child: Stubblefield, Marlin (1819 - 1893)
----------child: Stubblefield,, William Henry Jr. (1820 - 1907)
----------child: Stubblefield, Frances Ann (1822 - 1885)
----------child: Stubblefield, Stephens Potts (1824 - 1902)
----------child: Stubblefield, David Andrew (1826 - 1909)
Ewing, Gussie (*1901 - 1971)
b. in Yazoo, MS
d. 13 FEB 1971
father: Ewing, James(*1866 - )
mother: Pepper, Susie Elinor(~1870 - )
Ewing, James (*1866 - )
spouse: Pepper, Susie Elinor (~1870 - )
- m. in Yazoo, MS
----------child: Ewing, Gussie (*1901 - 1971)
----------child: Ewing, Kye Pepper (*1901 - )
----------child: Ewing, Minnie (*1901 - )
----------child: Ewing, Rachel (*1901 - )
----------child: Ewing, Susie Lee (*1901 - )
----------child: Ewing, James Milton PhD (1901 - 1973)
Ewing, James Milton Jr (1934 - )
b. 22 OCT 1934 in Jackson, Hinds, MS
father: Ewing, James Milton PhD(1901 - 1973)
mother: Flowers, Maggie Magee(1901 - )
Ewing, James Milton PhD (1901 - 1973)
b. 2 DEC 1901 in Yazoo, MS
d. 5 SEP 1973
father: Ewing, James(*1866 - )
mother: Pepper, Susie Elinor(~1870 - )
spouse: Flowers, Maggie Magee (1901 - )
- m. 1 JUN 1927
----------child: Ewing, James Milton Jr (1934 - )
----------child: Ewing, Margaret Flowers (1937 - )
Ewing, Kye Pepper (*1901 - )
father: Ewing, James(*1866 - )
mother: Pepper, Susie Elinor(~1870 - )
Ewing, Mabel Dixon (*1919 - )
father: Ewing, Milton Clarence Sr.(*1884 - )
mother: Dixon, Mabel Clair(*1888 - )
Ewing, Margaret Flowers (1937 - )
b. 20 MAR 1937 in Jackson, Hinds, MS
father: Ewing, James Milton PhD(1901 - 1973)
mother: Flowers, Maggie Magee(1901 - )
next - go to surnames